Vote Now in the 2022 ARIN Elections [Archived]
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Posted: Thursday, 20 October 2022
Eligible Voting Contacts from General Members in Good Standing may now cast their online ballots in the 2022 ARIN Elections to fill three seats on the ARIN Board of Trustees, five seats on the ARIN Advisory Council, and one seat on the NRO Number Council. Voting is open now through 7:00 PM ET, Friday, 28 October.
Voting Contacts may cast their ballot by logging into ARIN Online and selecting the “Vote Now” link in the dashboard. Step-by-step instructions are available on our website.
The candidates for this year’s election include:
Board of Trustees:
- Naseem Bawa, Self-Employed
- Ron da Silva, Network Technologies Global
- Muhammad Adeel Javaid, SAEM Consulting
- Hank Kilmer, Cogent Communications, Inc.
- Bill Sandiford, Self-Employed
- Robert Seastrom, Capital One / ClueTrust
- William Sylvester, Addrex, Inc.
Advisory Council:
- Jawaid Bazyar, Vero Broadband
- Douglas Camin, Coordinated Care Services, Inc.
- Gerry George, SLICTA - Saint Lucia
- Brian Jones, Virginia Tech
- Kendrick Knowles, Knowles Consulting Group
- Gus Reese, Cogent Communications Inc.
- Alison Wood, State of Oregon
NRO Number Council:
- Kate Gerry, NetActuate, Inc.
- Nick Nugent, Amazon Web Services, Inc.
A compilation of candidate biographies and questionnaire responses is available on the ARIN website. Videos of the candidates’ speeches and the Board and AC Candidate Forums from ARIN 50 will be posted shortly on the ARIN Election HQ page and Statements of Support site.
Per the updated election processes for 2022 (read our ARIN Blog post here), there are important changes affecting the Slate of Candidates for the Board and AC. Each candidate listed above was assessed by the Nomination Committee (NomCom) based on attributes outlined in the guidance letters from the Board and AC and according to the rubrics established in the NomCom Charter. You can find these assessments in our voter guide.
Research the Candidates
A great place to get started is to read our recent post on the ARIN Blog: “Prepare for ARIN Elections in Six Easy Steps”.
You are encouraged to review and/or submit Statements of Support for the candidates. Please note that all Statements of Support are automatically held for moderation and will be posted, upon approval, within one business day. All submissions are subject to the Statements of Support Acceptable Use Policy.
All candidates were subscribed to the General Members Mailing List ( for the duration of the election period to answer questions from the voting community. We encourage you to join the mailing list as well to keep informed of ARIN Election activity.
If you are the Voting Contact for an eligible General Member, voting is as simple as logging into ARIN Online and following the Vote Now link in your dashboard. If you are not the Voting Contact, but your organization is eligible to participate in the election, please encourage your Voting Contact to vote. You can find information on how to view your voting contact on the ARIN website.
Eligibility for this election was determined per the published deadline of 5 September 2022 at 5:00 PM. Voting Contacts for all General Members in Good Standing as of that time are eligible to participate. The Voting Contact listed at the time of the eligibility deadline is the only individual allowed to vote on behalf of an organization. If an organization changed its Voting Contact after 5 September, that individual will not be able to participate until the 2023 election.
Participation in all phases of ARIN Elections is a key responsibility of General Members. Our community’s role is crucial for the process of electing ARIN’s leadership as well as ensuring the continued operation and growth of the Internet.
For questions pertaining to ARIN’s Elections, please email [email protected].
Jason Byrne
Senior Customer Success Analyst
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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